Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Importance of Web Security on Mobiles

Mobile Devices Galore!

Do you use your Android to surf the web? How do you know whether your mobile browser is secure? A hacker can access the browser on your android and do just as much damage as someone who taps into your PC. When you go online, the thief can snatch your credit card numbers as you enter them into the browser to make a purchase.
Your Phone is as Important as Your PC
What information do you have in your phone? What do you do with your phone? A hacker can see the pictures that you have stored in your Android. This person can read the text messages that you send to people, and eavesdrop during your calls. I suspect that because many of us are pretty clueless when it comes to someone remotely accessing our phones. We might be aware of ssl on laptops, but we think that our phones are safe as long as they aren’t lost or lying around for a nosey significant other’s prying eyes. We are a little more relaxed when we use our cell phones. On our PC’s we know to install virus protection and a firewall, but we never really think about someone remotely accessing our cells unless they install a spy application of some sort. I’ll talk more about that later.
Remote Attacks
An article by Kate Murphy, Build Up Your Phone’s Defenses Against Hackers, published in the New York Times, states that during many remote attacks, you will receive a message asking your permission to reconfigure your phone. Don’t take the requested action. You will basically be giving a hacker permission to have a look into your private business or control it from afar.
You might also leave your phone open to attacks by unknowingly downloading an app with dangerous codes. Most people know not to use sketchy looking downloads from the net onto their PCs. When it comes to app, we kind of think that it’s a free for all. We see free apps and we go to town downloading everything that we can use or may use in the distant future. Use the same advice that you’d give a friend who wishes to download stuff from the net. Download your apps from reputable sites.
Dangerous App Downloads
Now, I’ll get to the juicy stuff. Be careful about leaving an unlocked phone around unattended. Your significant other can download a tracking app, which will tell him or her where you are. The person could also read your text messages. Not only will the person know your whereabouts, but he or she will also know who you are talking to or possibly see photos that you send. Having a manageable number of apps on your phone can help you spot a new addition sooner.
If your phone starts having strange glitches or is running slower than normal suddenly, you might want to make sure that your android is free of spy apps. Of course, if your significant other lets on that he or she knows where you are or to whom you communicate, don’t assume that he or she simply went through your phone. The person could be monitoring your phone from afar.

Internet Security is Even more Important for Travelers

new old thing

Have you ever watched the show The Amazing Race? Candidates race around the world for a $1 million. They are given clues that they must decipher to figure out where they need to be at a certain time. The contestants have to deal with language barriers, and many of them get lost trying to find the various stops during the race. If a contestant loses one very important item he or she is usually disqualified from continuing in this international race. Do you know what that item is? Okay, I’ll tell you. If someone loses his or her passport, that contestant must go home.
Important Documents for Traveling
The contestants need to have a passport for traveling to many of the destinations along the travel route. I suspect that many of the candidates in the various episodes did not have passports before being involved with the race’s preparations, because they had never traveled outside of the United States. It’s always fun to see people who haven’t traveled abroad, experience a new country for the first time. Keeping track of a passport is akin to keeping up with a social security number or any other national id number. The $1 million prize, and the stress of being in certain places within specific timeframes made the show even more interesting. Losing an item that proves your identity is scary when you are home or abroad.
No Computers
The candidates on the show are stripped of their personal computers, GPS systems, and cell phones. They do borrow these tools from strangers they meet in the various countries who are willing to help, though. I can’t imagine not having my laptop while traveling abroad. When I traveled to Asia, I was afraid that a virus might attack my computer or it could have been hacked. I needed my laptop to help me navigate the city where I lived and communicate with friends and family members. My computer helped me bridge the gap between my new surroundings and my home in the United States. I surfed the Internet often, while I was abroad. I read restaurant reviews, learned how to use the subway system, and learned about things to do for the weekend on the net.
Secure Travels
Internet security is especially important while you are traveling, you feel more vulnerable when you are in a different country. Not only do you have to contend with proving your identity in a country with different policies, but you might also have the challenge of communicating your needs despite a language barrier. Sure, you can go to the American Embassy and get help, but first you have to figure out where it is located and how to get there. Depending on the nature of the attack, you could end up penniless in another country. Sometimes the Amazing Race candidates ended up broke in foreign countries and had to beg for money. That’s a frightening situation.
With a proper internet security system travelers who are on the road for a short period of time or those who are on extended visits, simply feel safer. They are safer when they visit sites that offer protection. It’s riskier to enter personal information or financial information on sites that do not offer several layers of protection. Travelers should be especially diligent and observant when using public computers or completing transactions online. Travels for business, pleasure, or to win a $1 million will be safer if proper precautions are taken when using the internet.

How Safe is your Email Service?

New computer

It is hard to think of a time when email was not the primary method of communication for anyone in America. Businesses rely on email for marketing, business building and communication. While email presents a wide range of opportunities for both large and small businesses, it does not come without challenges. There are a number of precautionary measures should be taken in order to safeguard the security of your business when using email.


We all like to choose passwords that are easy for us to remember. When I started using the computer for online banking, Internet and email I made all my passwords the same and just left them that way for a long time. A good friend of mine, who happens to be a computer security expert, gently encouraged me to “mix” things up a bit. He suggested that I use a combination of letters and numbers for my password, as opposed to all letters. If you are at the library or an Internet cafĂ© somewhere, do not ask the computer to remember your password and always remember to log out.

Opening Mail

One of the most dangerous things you can do to threaten the security of your online information is to open foreign mail. Internet security professionals warn that any incoming mail that seems odd or out of place probably is and should be left alone. This is especially true of mail that has attachments. Attachments may carry damaging viruses. This is even true if you receive an email with an attachment from someone you know. If something looks off with the attachment or email, be sure to double check that the mail is actually from who it says it is from. Never respond to an unknown email attachment, as this is only an invitation for spam and more unwanted email.

Spam and Spoof

Most email providers use spam filters. Always set these filters at the highest level possible. Be very careful of where you use your email address online, as spammers will quickly grab it up and send annoying and potentially harmful correspondence. Some businesses opt for paying a little more for the highest spam security possible. This is a worthwhile expenditure if spam slows down productivity and threatens the security of your operations. Spoofing is when someone uses a legitimate email for the use of spamming. Do not give any personal information over the Internet, this is considered phishing and can lead to identity theft.


If you send a lot of sensitive data over the Internet, it is wise to use email encryption. Encryption management programs change the nature of the information being sent through cyberspace and rearrange it in the proper order once the recipient opens the mail. Many businesses rely on encryption programs to safeguard information and find that they are well worth the investment.

Keeping your computer healthy, just like your body, is great prevention. Always use and keep your antivirus program up to date and run regular scans. In addition, run adware and spyware removal programs regularly. Keep on top of all Windows Updates and invest in network protection to keep data safe.

Dark Secrets of the Internet

Phone Home

When the Internet first hit the scene I was thrilled, it was like something space age. I used my first computer in 1987 when I was in University and thought it was the coolest thing since sliced bread. When the thought of a public information system as massive as the Internet became a reality, it was almost too much for me to handle. I love information, the more of it the better. The Internet was like a Cyber encyclopedia and virtual vacation all in one. I could travel all over the world and not only learn new things but see new things as if I was actually there.

However, as the Internet has evolved, and more and more people, especially younger people, are becoming aware of its power, its dark secrets are being revealed. It is very clear that this information superhighway is one that should be approached with caution, monitored and policed by those who are concerned about the safety of their children, identity and information protection.

Surfing and Sharing Information

Just as you would not dive into the ocean with a surfboard, before learning how to surf, you should not surf the Internet without first being aware of the dangers and how to protect yourself against them. Once you start to stream text, graphics and content you have opened up the opportunity for unwelcome invasions. Advertising bots like to take up residence on your computer and over time can cause significant problems in speed and function. Computer virus protection is a must for any computer owner. Spyware and adware also pose a threat and can slow your system down and even leak personal information. Sharing information in any form whether it is a word document or PDF etc. over the Internet is dangerous, as well. Many times security systems such as PKI work in the background to keep your information private. However, never share sensitive information with anyone unless you are convinced that it is protected.


If you allow your children to use the Internet, it is essential that you understand the potential risks involved and how to make the Internet as safe as possible. There are numerous protection software programs that you can add to your computer including tracking software to monitor your children’s computer use. For many years, parents felt it was safer for their children to play on the Internet than hang out at the mall. Unfortunately, this is just not the case. With the onslaught of social media, chat rooms, video calling programs and other such programs, children are preyed upon intensely while on line. Installing passwords and limiting your children’s computer use are good places to start. Monitor all of your children’s social media postings and just like at home, know ALL of your kids friends.
Internet Robbery

Internet robbery happens. This occurs when your identity is stolen, or someone is able to access your banking or credit card information. Just as, you would install a security system in your home it is important to consider your Internet safety. Not taking the proper precautions to protect data and Internet communication can result in disaster. There are many great programs on the market for individuals and business owners that will provide this much needed protection.

Whether you are a business owner or own a computer for personal use, it is always best to consider the type of security that will best protect you. As always, do your research before diving into the information superhighway and don’t forget to fasten your seatbelt!

When Privacy Is A Good Thing


Have you ever put up a fence around your yard or planted a row of shrubs around your patio for privacy? Do you turn your blinds down or shut your curtains at night? Most people respect that privacy is important and necessary in everyday living. Some things just need to be kept private!

How often do you think of privacy and your computer? I am not talking about putting a physical curtain around your computer or hiding it from public view. It is what is inside and what you send out of your computer that needs to be kept private.

Personal Information

Everyone has personal information that helps to define who we are. Our name, our bank account information, credit cards, date of birth, place of employment, social security information etc.… Much of this information needs to be kept private for our own protection. Since we control whom we talk to and what we say we can pretty well protect ourselves in the real world unless, of course, our wallet is stolen or our homes are broken in to. In the digital world, it is much harder to know whether our personal information is safe and it is very difficult to track violations of our privacy. For this reason, many people avoid using computers all together.

Jordan’s Story
Jordan owns a small flower shop in a growing little town. She was reluctant at first to use the computer for orders, supplies and communication but realized that in order to keep up with the bigger flower outlets, using technology was necessary. Jordan set up several online accounts with suppliers as well as Ecommerce options on a website and other marketing pages via social media. For the first time in her life, Jordan also set up a few online profiles hoping to drum up some business.


Coming up with a password for her online accounts was easy as Jordan is a cat lover. So, to make things easier, she set all of her passwords to “catsrgreat.” She thought that this password was extremely creative. However, no one told Jordan that the one golden rule of the online world, never use the same password for more than one account. Jordan, however, used the password for ten different accounts including her email account, her online access to ordering supplies, her Facebook, Twitter accounts and more.

Privacy Invasion
Unfortunately, someone somehow accessed Jordan’s password and was able to run up a large bill on one of her online ordering sites. Jordan never got the merchandise and had to fight to avoid the charges on her bill. She learned after this experience that it is always best to use a different password for each online account or use a one-time password option that protects information from being stolen. After this incident, Jordan realized just how important Internet privacy really is.

Privacy Solutions

Because there are so many computer savvy thieves lurking in cyberspace, it is imperative that business owners and individuals alike stay protected. Password protection is not the only concern either. Any information that is sent over the computer, no matter in what form, is open game to theft. Many businesses realize this mounting threat and employ such protection services as PKI (Public key Infrastructure) to safeguard online data transactions and communications. With PKI, documents, files, folders and signatures are kept safe and can be easily transported across cyberspace with privacy. PKI is like the fence or hedges around your yard and is an excellent investment for those
for those who take privacy seriously.

Is Your E-mail Safe? How to Protect Your E-Mail


We send dozens of e-mails to people every day. Have you ever sat down and thought about the number of e-mails that you send, especially during a work day. I know that I receive a huge collection of messages from clients, and an astounding number of spam. You know what I mean. I get e-mails telling me that I am due millions of dollars from a relative somewhere. I get e-mails telling me that my e-mail provider needs me to confirm/provide information or my e-mail will be disconnected. My e-mail hasn’t been disconnected yet. There’s no gigantic check waiting for me, which will make me independently wealthy. I think that I’m relatively savvy when it comes to e-mail messages, but some of the e-mails that contain logos from my bank, or companies that I have done business with in the past look convincing.

Do Not Click on Suspicious Messages
How do I maintain my internet safety? I never click on links in e-mail messages from banks or service providers. I read everything that I need to read concerning my accounts on the original sites. When I’m on the site, I check to make sure that it is secure, before I enter data. I also do not click on links that arrive in my e-mail from friends if the message sounds strange. Sometimes I get strange short messages from my friends. The message might say something like, check this outwith a shortened link. Scammers can pose as your friends and send messages that appear to come from people that you know. If you are not aware of this, you could click on an unsafe link.

Encrypt and Delete
Software that encrypts e-mails and confirms the identity of the sender can help keep your e-mail secure. It is also important to close e-mails that you have not read and perhaps delete messages that you no longer need. I always make sure that I use secure email, and I log out when using web-based internet service in a public place or at an office where others can enter. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat down to use a computer in a public computer lab or a library and realized that the person who used the computer before me was still logged into their e-mail. Forgetting to log out of your e-mail account leaves the door wide open for others who wish to pose as you or steal information from you.

Deter Hackers
What do you do to keep your e-mail safe from hackers? We’ve all heard the stories of people having their e-mail or social network accounts hacked. I thought that a column written by Kim Komando’s USA Today’s CyberSpeak column had great advice. Most sites ask that you provide secret answers to questions to reset and/or access your account. The question might ask for your mother’s name or your favorite city. She suggested that you do not answer these questions correctly, and use numbers and symbols in your response. She wrote that people that you know can guess secret answers that you use to gain access to your accounts. I think that people write so much about their lives online these days, that you might have Twitter followers who know answers to the common questions used to reset an e-mail password. I suggest that you use answers that do not make sense and keep those passwords safe. It’s also best to use different passwords for different e-mail accounts, because if not, the hacker could decipher one password and get into all of your accounts.

The Benefits of an SSL Certificate

New morning routine

Everyone has seen those little lock icons down at the bottom of a page when transmitting sensitive information online. Maybe your web browser has alerted you that a SSL Certificate on your destination site has expired. SSL Certificates provide more than just a secure transfer of information. Here are a few more benefits SSL Certificates provide:
Provides visible authentication:
Before an SSL session is established, the server it connects with needs to have a digital certificate – a kind of unique digital identification to establish its authenticity. Digital certificates are issued by a Certification Authority, after performing several checks to confirm the identity of the organization to which it is issuing the certificate.

An SSL digital certificate generates a public key for your customers and a private key on your server that works as a kind of official, online stamp for your enterprise. This private key needs to be kept secure, along with a back-up. A user can check to see if a secure session has been established by looking at the web address: in a secure session, the ‘http:’ portion of the web address changes to ‘https:’

Assures data integrity:
This basically ensures that nobody can tamper with the data or information that is already online. Your customers will know that the contents of your website – or any information they have transmitted to it online – cannot be tampered with. It assures them that they are doing business in a safe environment.

Ensures data privacy:
This means that online collection of sensitive information is secure and cannot be intercepted or read by anyone except the computer it was intended for. Data integrity and data privacy are integral to the functioning and success of any website handling or facilitating online financial transactions – and that’s what e-commerce is all about. Once a secure session has been established, the public key is used by customers, to encrypt the information being sent online. This information is then decoded instantaneously through your server’s private key.

SSL Certificates are a guarantee that your information is safe and secure. If you’re the owner of a business with a website, internet security can be a confusing subject. Enlisting an SSL Service may be of benefit to you. These services can assist you in getting a secure website for your customers, which will increase your sales and your customer base. Customers always want to feel safe, and with an SSL Certificate you can rest assured that their information will be handled discreetly and safely!

Hacked: Why It’s Important to Perform Security Updates for All Sites


Did you know that your website could put your business at risk? I have a friend who learned the hard way. We all know the risk of opening attached files or clicking on dangerous links. Your website or blog could also be vulnerable to hackers without your knowledge. Maybe you can protect yourself after learning about my friend’s experience.

Just a Simple Neglected Blog
My friend offered a service that she advertised on the web. She didn’t have a shopping cart or other fancy gizmos, as she would call them. She simply marketed her services, and asked potential clients to contact her for her work. So, this friend, I’ll call her Anne, had a blog that she rarely updated. The blog and the site for her business were hosted by the same company. She kept the blog around, because she figured that she’d eventually revamp it or add to it. Every so often, she’d get strange messages with garbled information from her web host. She ignored the messages. She figured it was spam, so she deleted the e-mails when she got them, and forgot about them. One day, she received a different message from her host. The message stated that her blog had been comprised. It had likely been hacked. When she visited the site, sure enough, the site had been hacked. There was a warning message from Google where her blog should have been. The message, warned visitors away from visiting the blog. Unfortunately, since my friend didn’t use the blog, anyway, she took her time in trying to resolve the issue. Since she was planning to change the blog, she figured that she’d start from scratch with the content she still had.

The Problem Can Spread
I left out one part of the story. An associate who worked at the web host, told her that her other sites, including her business site, were probably safe. The associate was wrong. A few weeks later her business wesite, had the same message from Google. It was hit, and she was devastated. She learned the hard way about internet security and how a neglected blog could have impacted her business. It turns out that security measures and updates are vital for keeping content safe. How many times have you received a notification that updates of a program are available? How many times have you chosen to update immediately? This story demonstrates the importance of updating software. You should also make sure that all of your sites are secure, even the ones that you are not currently using.

Secure All of Your Sites
Taking care to maintain and secure your sites will most certainly save you from having to hire someone to make repairs later. I suspect that some companies hire businesses that monitor sites and can inform them of breaches of security soon after they occur. Once your site is secured, you can use secure sockets layer protection and have your own PKI certificate to conduct business with another user. You should research to determine the best options for you and your budget. You might also wish to ask your host about any security measures that they might take to protect your data. Just because you are not using your site or blog, and it is not getting much traffic, doesn’t mean that it’s not at risk.